Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
It’s graduation season, and I had the great opportunity to be asked to write an advice letter to a soon to be graduate. Here is the letter in full, added here in hopes that some snippet might make a difference to someone or this might help you write a graduation letter to students:
It’s been nearly 15 years since I was in your shoes, or in your eyes, nearly a lifetime. No matter how many times someone told me, “time flies”, “life is short”, or some other sage fortune cookie wisdom, it went in one ear and out the other. I’m not so naïve to think you’re different than I was. So I’ll go a different route. If you only remember one thing from this letter, remember this: don’t live your life for anyone else. Don’t waste your limited time on earth following someone else’s dreams.
People like to talk about savings and retirement, especially to young people in your spot. That’s all well and good, but you’ll regret sacrificing your youth much more than not having your 401K where it needs to be.
Choose great work you love, and you won’t be tempted to surrender the best years of your life just to get away from it. Live in the moment, and don’t worry about finding yourself. Create yourself.
Everyone gets breaks, and you’re no different. You don’t know when they’ll come; all you can do is be prepared for them when they show up. And when your opportunities do show up, squeeze them until they scream, and even then, don’t let go until you’ve wrung everything you can out of them.
Most of your life’s book is yet to be written, and only two things limit your future: your imagination and your willingness to make bold moves. Trust in your gut and in God. Don’t take anything too seriously. Be flexible with your path, and always be learning.
Now is the time to take risks and make memories. Love who you are, and enjoy the ride,
Greg Starling
2 Responses to Graduation Letter To Students
Mark Foden June 21, 2011
I love this. Puts me in mind of Frost’s poem ‘The road not taken’